How to Get Rid of Bats in the Attic

Bats are the only flying mammals in the world. They are quite common in Quebec—8 different species can be found in the province, 5 of which hibernate and 3 of which fly south in the winter.

Bats are constantly on the lookout for dark, quiet places to shelter. Unfortunately, the attics of houses tend to suit their needs perfectly.

In this article, our bat removal experts explain how to identify a bat infestation, how to get rid of the creatures and why it’s important to decontaminate your attic afterwards.

Step 1: Identify the bat infestation

Bats are flying animals whose wingspans can reach over 30 cm. They are large enough to be quite noticeable, and their presence leaves traces.

Find out which clues signal the presence of bats in the attic!

Noise coming from the attic

Unusual noises emanating from the attic are the first indication that you might have a bat infestation.

If you hear scratching or thumping sounds coming from your attic, one of more bats might be living there. There are also some types of bat calls that humans can hear, so if you notice high-pitched cries or clicks coming from above, you may have an infestation.

Note that some sounds may be similar to those made by mice in the attic. If you’re having trouble identifying the source of the noise, contact a pest control expert.

Bat guano

Bats can be a health hazard for you and the other residents of your house. Even if the bat infestation is contained to the attic, their presence can still have consequences for the residents of your home.

Bat droppings, or guano, can emit unpleasant odours and contribute to the proliferation of mould. They can endanger both human health and the integrity of your house.

If you notice a strong smell coming from your attic, you’ll need to get rid of the bats living there and decontaminate the space without delay.

Step 2: Bat removal

Once you have determined that there is an infestation in your attic, you’ll need to take steps to get the bats out of your house. To that end, there are a few techniques you can try.

Turn on the lights

If you have bats in the attic, turning on the lights can be a good way to scare them off.

You can also make loud noises to frighten the animals and discourage them from coming back. Banging pots and pans nearby will make them uncomfortable enough to leave your home.

That being said, there is always a chance that the bats might come back once the noise has stopped and the lights are off. You may want to consider sealing and caulking your home to eliminate their access points.

Open the windows

If you’re planning to scare the bats away, you’ll need to give them an exit! Open the windows in the attic to create an escape route, then turn on the lights and make some noise to turn their dark, quiet sanctuary into a disruptive, unpleasant space that they’ll want to vacate.

Call a professional exterminator

It’s important to get rid of bats in a way that doesn’t harm you or the animals. The safest and most effective method is to hire the services of a pest control and extermination expert. Professionals will be able to eliminate the infestation quickly and advise you on any decontamination measures that need to be taken.

Step 3: Attic decontamination

As mentioned above, the presence of bats in your house can have significant consequences on your health and that of your family. Even after the animals have been removed, your health can still be affected unless you have your attic decontaminated by professionals.

Here are the reasons why it’s important to decontaminate your attic after a bat infestation.

Bats can transmit diseases

Bats are among the wild animals in Quebec that most commonly carry rabies. It is estimated that around 1% of bats are carriers of the virus.

In addition to the rabies virus, histoplasmosis is a disease that can be transmitted through bat droppings. There can be a significant risk of contracting this disease if there is an abundance or high concentration of droppings in a room.


Bats may also carry parasites that you do not want to have in your house. If you don’t get the bats out of your attic and decontaminate it afterwards, you’ll be giving free rein to the fleas, ticks and mites that live in their fur.

The deterioration of building materials

While bats may not dig or gnaw through walls and insulation like rodents, their droppings can damage materials like foam insulation and drywall. Due to its composition, guano can even cause a sort of corrosion, particularly when present in large quantities.

Furthermore, bats’ skin secretes an oil that can stain the walls of your attic. The entry points they use will be particularly soiled.

We strongly advise against attempting the decontamination yourself. It’s best to delegate the task to a company that specializes in pest control and has the necessary equipment and expertise to dispose of the contaminated materials safely, without releasing pathogens into the air.

For a healthy, pest-free attic, contact Elite Pest Control

With this information, you can understand why it’s so important to get rid of bats in your attic and decontaminate the space thoroughly after they’re gone.

Elite Pest Control offers personalized services that focus on your needs. In addition to eliminating the infestation, we can provide advice and a prevention service that will ensure that the bats never come back.

Contact our team today! We will be happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.

Pascal Rock
Pascal Rock  
Director, Elite Pest Control
Founder and mainstay of Elite Pest Control, Pascal Rock has embodied expertise and dedication for over a decade. His training, acquired with expert mentors in extermination and pest decontamination, has shaped an outstanding professional. Under his leadership, a team of six seasoned technicians deploys the very best pest control strategies. Together, they ensure the peace of mind and safety of residents and professionals from Montreal to Quebec City, by offering fast, effective interventions, available at all times.