How to get rid of beavers

Beavers are among the largest rodents in Canada and make their homes near rivers, lakes or ponds. They measure about 1 meter in length and are easily identifiable by their long, flat tails that can reach 30 cm in length.

Beavers feed mainly on fruit and wood bark and, like all ecosystem engineers, they help form and maintain many wetlands such as peat bogs.

Clever and industrious, beavers are capable of turning almost any freshwater environment into a livable habitat. If this habitat is close to your home, it can quickly become a problem that you will have to deal with. Especially when you consider that females give birth to an average of 3 or 4 kits per year.

Find out everything you need to know to get rid of beavers on your property.

How to spot a beaver

If you live near a water source, you are probably used to keeping wild animals away from your home. However, sometimes it is difficult to know which animal caused a given problem.

If you find damages in the area around your home, here are some signs that a beaver is the culprit:

  • Finding dams or stacked logs near water
  • Small animal paw prints on the ground
  • Attacked, cut or girdled trees
  • A hut made of branches and earth leaning against the bank
  • Unusual elevation of a watercourse

Naturally, you won’t be able to track all of these signs or they may not all be present. However, you should pay close attention to them to keep the beavers away afterwards.

Are beavers dangerous?

In general, beavers are not dangerous to humans, since they are used to their presence. However, beavers are still wild animals and can defend themselves if they feel threatened.

Beavers can be dangerous to your home if it is located too close to water. Beaver dams can cause flooding and damage to your irrigation systems. It is very important to protect your installations by stopping them before the damage caused is irreparable or excessive.


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How to keep beavers off your property

If you have noticed beavers around your home, you need to act quickly to prevent them from causing damage.

We suggest 4 methods to get rid of beavers.

1. Dismantle their dam

If you have located the dam(s) created by the beavers, as well as their dens, then dismantling them will be worthwhile.

This method is as effective as it is unpredictable. If you destroy their dam and home, the beavers may leave your property forever, but they may also start working again, leaving your efforts in vain.

Nevertheless, we recommend trying to dismantle their dam if possible. If you have access to their dam, make sure the beavers are not around and chop up the wood logs.

If their dam is too far out on the water and you don’t have access to it, or if this process is too complicated for you, you should contact beaver exterminators. They will be able to help you remove these nuisances.

2. Place traps

A second very effective method of getting rid of beavers is to set traps to capture them. Trapping beavers will keep them away from your home without harming them.

Beware, trapping them will not be easy. Beavers are cunning and can avoid poorly placed traps. However, if you choose a good bait and a cage large enough for the beavers to enter, then your trap will have a better chance of success. Just be sure to set the beaver trap safely.

If you make several attempts to capture the animal or want someone else to take care of it, then you will need to contact pest control services.

3. Install a fence

A third option for getting rid of beavers on your property is to install a metal (or wire mesh) fence at various strategic locations on your property.

When properly installed, these fences can keep beavers away from your home for good. Since beavers are not good climbers, the fence does not need to be very high. A height of 1 or 1.2 m will be sufficient.

You can also fence off certain trees to prevent beavers from reaching them. If you want to get rid of beavers quickly and permanently, then you can use electric fences. These are more expensive, but a much greater deterrent.

4. Use chemical products

The last possible solution is effective, but only recommended it as a last resort.

There are a number of chemicals that can be applied in various forms around beaver dens or living areas. The products will not kill the rodent, but will alter the smell and taste of their food source, causing them to flee and move.

Contact professionals to get rid of beavers on your property

As you can see, beavers are not very dangerous to humans, but they can cause real damage to your property.

If you notice beavers near your home and you don’t want to get rid of them yourself, contact our exterminators.

The Elite Pest Control teams will take action without risk to your property and safely remove the animal.

Pascal Rock
Pascal Rock  
Director, Elite Pest Control
Founder and mainstay of Elite Pest Control, Pascal Rock has embodied expertise and dedication for over a decade. His training, acquired with expert mentors in extermination and pest decontamination, has shaped an outstanding professional. Under his leadership, a team of six seasoned technicians deploys the very best pest control strategies. Together, they ensure the peace of mind and safety of residents and professionals from Montreal to Quebec City, by offering fast, effective interventions, available at all times.