Are mice dangerous?

Mice may be small rodents, but they are by no means harmless. In fact, they can transmit many diseases and more.

In this article, our mouse exterminators explain the primary physical and material dangers associated with this animal.

What diseases are spread by mice?

Rodents and mice can spread a large number of diseases to humans. In fact, they are carriers of bacteria, viruses and multiple parasites. If you see these animals in your home, you will need to get rid of the mice as soon as possible to prevent the transmission of certain diseases.


Although many animals can transmit leptospirosis (dogs, pigs, horses, etc.), rodents are the primary vector of this disease. The bacteria that causes leptospirosis typically reaches humans via water contaminated by mouse urine.

Symptoms associated with this disease usually appear 2 to 3 weeks after infection and may include sudden and severe fever, muscle pain, headache and vomiting.


Salmonellosis is a disease transmitted by mice to humans and caused by bacteria present in the intestines of these rodents. Contamination occurs through direct contact with contaminated rodents, as well as through food. Meat and eggs are the most vulnerable foods and it is therefore imperative to cook them well to eliminate the bacteria.

The symptoms of this disease include high fever accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. These symptoms can be accompanied by severe dehydration of the body. It is therefore very important to drink water regularly. In addition to mice, there are other wild animals that can cause health risks of this type.


The hantavirus is, as its name indicates, a virus that can be transmitted to humans. It is found primarily in the saliva, urine and feces of mice. Humans can become infected if they come in contact with these secretions or if they are bitten by an infected animal.

Hantavirus symptoms usually appear 3 days to 6 weeks after exposure to the virus. They may include fever, a potentially severe cough and difficulty breathing. Symptoms may be similar to those of influenza or bronchitis.

What to do if you are bitten by a mouse

Some urban legends are false. Alas, mice do bite humans. The main concern with mouse bites is that they can carry pathogens that can be transmitted to humans.

If you are bitten by a mouse, clean and disinfect the wound and contact a medical clinic immediately. The same is true if your pet is bitten by a mouse. You should consult a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

What damage can a mouse do?

Mice are not only a nuisance to humans and animals. They are also a real danger to your home and property. Moreover, their presence can also cause psychological damage to the inhabitants of infested homes.

House damages

Mice can cause a lot of damage to various parts of your home. This is because mice have teeth that are constantly growing, which encourages them to gnaw, chew and nibble on everything in their path.

Nothing is safe from these pests: wood, plaster, plastic, furniture, insulation material, cables, etc. This is why we often find mice in the walls of your home.

Food-related damages

Mice are not only dangerous for your household items. They also greedily eat your food, contaminating it in the process.

Any food that has come into contact with mice should be discarded immediately. These rodents have a wide variety of eating habits and will eat anything without exception. It is therefore important to keep mice out of your house with the help of a professional.

Psychological damage

Mice can also be dangerous to the mental health of people living with them. Some people develop a phobia towards this creature. In extreme cases, we have seen individuals suffer panic attacks at the sight of this rodent.

Mouse infestations can also have a serious impact on morale and self-esteem because of the damage they cause. Someone who has a mouse infestation may feel ashamed of themselves and their home, resulting in depression. Because of the noise they make when they take over the house, mice can also cause sleepless nights, which in turn can lead to severe mental and physical exhaustion.

So, how dangerous are mice?

Mice, no matter how small, are dangerous and can do a lot of damage to your home and your sanity. If a family of rodents is roaming around your home, contact a mouse exterminator as soon as possible.

In addition to transmitting sometimes deadly diseases, mice can carry fleas, lice, bedbugs and dust mites. These parasites can cause allergies and asthma in people who are in direct or indirect contact with them.

If you notice one or more mice in your home, don’t hesitate. Contact our pest control experts as soon as possible. They will be happy to answer your questions.

Pascal Rock
Pascal Rock  
Director, Elite Pest Control
Founder and mainstay of Elite Pest Control, Pascal Rock has embodied expertise and dedication for over a decade. His training, acquired with expert mentors in extermination and pest decontamination, has shaped an outstanding professional. Under his leadership, a team of six seasoned technicians deploys the very best pest control strategies. Together, they ensure the peace of mind and safety of residents and professionals from Montreal to Quebec City, by offering fast, effective interventions, available at all times.